The Foxearth and District Local History Society
1751 Ipswich Journal newspaper archive

January 12th 1751

Stolen out of the pasture of John Granger at Blamsters Hall, Halsted, Essex. A black bay mare about 14 ½ hands high-whoever etc etc shall receive a reward of one guinea from Mr John Granger.

January 26th 1751

Last Saturday, John Baker of Hadleigh in Suffolk, an outlawed smuggler was taken by a party of dragoons and committed to Ipswich gaol.

February 23rd 1751

On Monday February 18th last was rung on the 8 largest bells at Stonham Aspall in Suffolk, by the society, a compleat peal of Grandfire triples (or all the changes on seven bells) it being the first true peal ever rung in this county, it was completed in 3 hours 12 minutes by the following persons---Henry Gray-Robert Plowman-Richard Wade-Jonathan Hart-William Baynard-John Sharp-William Walker----John Thurlow and William Walker called the peal .

March 2nd 1751

We hear that Thomas Gooday, on of the persons lately broke out of Chelmsford gaol is retaken.

March 30th 1751

At Bury Assizes three people received the death sentence-John Dunn for breaking into the house of Edmund West of Botesdale and threatening to murder him-Digby Brownmsith for sheep stealing and William Shearing for horse stealing, the last two to be reprieved but ordered to be transported.

April 6th 1751

Last Tuesday, Jonathan Button of Saxtead was committed to Ipswich gaol on suspicion of housebreaking last winter.

April 20th 1751

There was put up at Boxford, Suffolk, a monumental stone with the following inscription ( In Memory of Elizabeth Hyam of this parish for fourth time widow, who by a fall brought on mortification was at last hastened to her end on May 4th 1748 in her 113th year).

May 25th 1751

Wanted-a journeyman pump maker who can undertake wells and pumps. Apply James Clubb of Bungay, Suffolk.

June 15th 1751

Notice is hereby given that a main of cocks will shewn at 15 a side at the Swan Inn at Sibble Hedingham on the 27th of June for two guineas a battle and four guineas the odd battle between the gentlemen of Suffolk and the gentlemen of Essex.

June 22nd 1751

On Thursday night, one named Lambert, a prisoner in the Fleet prevailed on Isted, a farmer who was likewise a prisoner there for smuggling (after drinking to great excess) to commit an act of sodomy in which they were detected by another prisoner and were taken into custody, about 3 yesterday morning the farmer cut his throat and died in two hours.

June 22nd 1751

On Sunday next a sermon will be preached at St Mary's church, Ipswich, in the tower church by the Rev Derby, curate of Groton, on behalf of the grey coat boys and the blue coat girls.

June 29th 1751

On Sunday last, James Holt, an outlawed smuggler who was formerly clerk to the parish of Benacre in Suffolk, was taken in Norwich by a single dragoon as he was walking in the street and the same afternoon was sent to London by coach and guarded by a party of Sir Charles Howard's dragoons and committed to Newgate.

July 27th 1751

Last week, Francis Doe of Hauleigh, Suffolk was committed to Ipswich gaol charged with smuggling.

July 27th 1751

We hear from Cambridge that on Monday last a bill of indictment was preferred to the grand jury against four young gentlemen of the university for assault upon Elizabeth Norman with intent to ravish her. The jury found the bill against three of them and they were bound over to take their trial at the next Assizes, they were warmly exhorted by his Lordship to make ample satisfaction to the girl in the meantime, the other gentleman was discharged.

August 24th 1751

On Tuesday, Nathaniel Gun, a smuggler, voluntary surrendered himself (in pursuant to a late order of council) and was committed to Ipswich gaol, the offence was committed on February 1746, since then we are informed he has carried on a business in Hadleigh with a good reputation and success, he is said to be the first smuggler that has surrendered himself in the county.

September 7th 1751

A subscription has been for sometime on foot for continuing the mile stones on the London road from Dedham, Essex, to Yarmouth bridge, the expenses are computed to be £97 10s.

October 12th 1751

On Wednesday, Stephen Warsse was carried from Thetford to be transported for 7 years for stealing a quantity of beer from Leonard Shelford of Thetford in the night time by boreing a hole in the cask sitting on upon a cart to be carried early upon the morning and filled the same up with water, the fact was taken in by Mr Shelford's malster, the practice tis supposed has been carried on for several years to Mr Shelford's very great damage to his business.

November 16th 1751

We hear that Sir Cordell Firebrace, on e of the representatives of Suffolk has the misfortune to break his leg in Northamptonshire by falling from his horse.

November 23rd 1751

Advert--To be lett at Milbrook, near Ampthill in Bedfordshire, a very good warren of rabbits containing 599 acres, well stocked with rabbits.

November 23rd 1751

Advert---At Haverhill, Suffolk, a pleasant healthy village, youth are boarded and educated and fitted either for university or business at a yearly expense of £14.

December 21st 1751

On Tuesday last some of the prisoners in Ipswich gaol sawed through their irons attempting to make their escape by the help of a rope but being discovered by a keeper they are doubly ironed and closely confined.

December 28th 1751

Deserted from His Majesty's Third Regiment of Dragoon Guards quartered at Colchester---Henry Young-23---5ft-9 inches-born Wingfield in Suffolk. Whoever apprehends him etc shall receive one guinea.

1752 Ipswich Journal newspaper archive

January 4th 1752

Last Wednesday night at about 7, a barn-a neat house and stables in St Clements Street, Ipswich, in occupation of widow French was burnt to the ground, a large quantity of corn was consumed, a heifer, four horses and three colts were killed by the violence of the flames. The melancholy accident was caused by the carelessness of a boy taking an end of a candle out of the socket in the lantern and let it drop into a heap of straw.

January 11th 1752

Last Friday, Sir William Gooch Bart. Major General and late Governor of Virginia was buried at Yarmouth with military honours according to his will. The pall was supported by the Mayor and six senior Aldermen and Richard Fuller Esq.. The bearers being poor men had £5 each.

January 25th 1752

Whereas three pieces of a broken church bell, weighing 90 lbs were stolen out of the church at Playford, Suffolk. If any person discovers the persons concerned shall receive ½ guinea.

February 8th 1752

Run away from Josuah Steel of Hall Place, Berkshire, a handsome black slave-5ft 4 inches high-the property of Mrs Sarah Steel of Barbadoes, his plantation name is "Sambo" but he has assumed the name of William Gardener, anyone who harbours him will be prosecuted under the law or anyone giving information shall receive one guinea reward.

February 8th 1752

To be sold-a windmill at Lamarsh, Essex, with stones and all other geers to the same and to be taken of the premises, also a boulting mill. Enquire of John Messent, blacksmith of Alphampstone.

March 14th 1752

Last Sunday morning, four men with firearms went in pursuit of smugglers of whom they had intelligence. John Rich and Thomas Cock after long search were found near the fens by Beck Row near Mildenhall but they had no arms to defend themselves, however Rich made stout resistance and at the same time snatched a pistol out of one of the men's hands and fired it at one of them but did not do any damage except beat out two teeth, Rich received two balls in his body and he died the next day, Cock seeing his companion taken thought proper to take to the fens and got clean away.

April 11th 1752

Fidget and Ward were executed yesterday afternoon, in the morning Fidgett confessed that he was in a gang of smugglers that attacked a customs boat at Felixtow and that he had fired a pistol but where he killed John Mills or not he could not say, he confessed he was concerned in robbing Shelfhanger church and the house of Mrs Barker at Thornham-- Mr Hall of Lopham-Mrs Vener of Stonham and Mr Stubben of Ofton.

May 9th 1752

Lost from Mr Kedington's at Melford, a black mare standing 14 hands with switch tail, whoever etc. etc. will receive one guinea.

May 9th 1752

Chappell Fair Essex, the 16th of June next being Barnaby Day the day this it is always kept on, this is to give notice that the fair which used to be kept on this day in Chappell Street is by order of the Lord of the Manor to be kept on Bottsty Green over against the Rose and Crown, it is much more commodious and convenient for cattle and will now be a cattle fair again, it lies 7 miles from Colchester and 2 miles from Earles Colne.

May 23rd 1752

This is to give notice there is to be sold at Yeldham Pool, Essex, two commodious timber frames with or without bricks and tiles, one frame is 32 ft long and 19 ½ wide, 17 ft high, fit for a dwelling house, other material to be sold at ½ price every Saturday morning till all sold.

May 30th 1752

They write from Aberdeen that Christian Phrew, a farm servant from near Aberdeen having been delivered of a child, to conceal her guilt threw it on the fire, the smell of the body burning occasioned the shocking discovery.

June 6th 1752

Chelmsford---On the 21st of April last, an old Scotch woman who calls herself Barbara Smith was sent to the house of correction for committal of vagrancy in Colchester, she was dumb but upon them searching her they took above £100 from her, she soon came to her speech, this is to acquaint the publick that it is suspected she did not come by this fairly.

June 20th 1752

This day John Ford was committed to Bury gaol for the murder of John Kingsbury of Melford who died from bruises.

June 27th 1752

London----As out worthy magistrates have so laudibly begun to put into execution the salutary laws against gaming and debauchery frequented by persons of low life, it were to wished that the countenance of the great may not deter them from proceeding in like manner with tennis courts and billiard boards etc, equally under the cognisance of the law ,

June 27th 1752

Advert---The best sort of sickles and scythes at reasonable rates by Samuel Betts, ironmonger at the toll gate Bury, where there is erected on purpose for grinding by water which are wholly employed in that way near the North Gate and sold at his shop in the market place in Bury, Suffolk.

July 18th 1752

It has been found necessary and convenient for gentlemen and farmers of the Hundred of Tendring in Essex that the fair for the sale of lambs annually held in the said Hundred. This is to give notice to salesmen and dealers in lambs and all gentlemen and farmers that there will be a shew at Mistley Thorn near Manningtree on the 28th of July, good accommodation for themselves and cattle.

July 25th 1752

On Tuesday 28th inst. there will be play'd here at Colchester a game of cricket between Colchester and Writtle, to meet at the Sign of the Pig, wickets to be pitched at one o' clock.

July 28th 1752

On Tuesday the 28th of July, there will be a trial of manhood fought at Wetherden Maypole, Suffolk, between John Elmer, a wool comber of Stowmarket and John Greensmith, a carpenter of Needham Market, for the sum of £50, to meet at that place on the day at two o' clock and to engage each other at between 4 and 6.

August 1st 1752

Bury Assizes---John Ford for beating John Kingsbury of Melford who is supposed to have died of bruises, to be burnt in the hand.

August 1st 1752

The trial of Thomas Otley, a barber from Sudbury in Suffolk for the barbarous murder of his wife lasted four hours, the facts being proved against him and having little to say they proceeded to pass sentence on him which is to be execution and when hung a proper time to be cut down and his body conveyed in chains on a gibbet erected for the purpose on the Black Close Hill near the road to Newmarket.

August 2nd 1752

From Canterbury-James Ramshaw on trial for house breaking said he was brought up at sea and born in London 22 years ago, he said he had received his death sentence on his birth day and that he was the principal evidence against Capt Lowry who was hanged for murder on the high seas, his behaviour since has been remarkedly wicked such as singing bawdy songs and saying he wanted a whore and wished some surgeon would come and buy his body and often cursing and swearing.

August 27th 1752

Lost out of a drove coming to Ipswich Fair on the 11thor 12th inst, three sheep and 83 lambs. Whoever gives intelligence to Mr Green at the Golden Fleece in St Andrews Street, Ipswich or to Mr Andrews at the White Elm in Copdock or Mr Andrews, butcher of Witham, Esex shall be well rewarded.

August 29th 1752

At Ipswich Sessions, John Grice was found guilty of attempting sodomy, he was sentenced to stand in the pillory for 12 till 1 on Wednesday next and to suffer 3 months imprisonment.

September 23rd 1752

Last Saturday, Thomas Hill of Elmset was committed to our gaol in Ipswich charged with stealing 25 sheep from Thomas Hammond of Aldham to which he confessed.

September 30th 1752

From Edinburgh---On Tuesday last came before the Lords of Justiciary at Stirling the trial of William Douglas and Janet McLaren for adultery, the jury next day returned a verdict of guilty upon which Douglas was sentenced to be banished from Scotland for three years and Janet McLaren to be whipped and banished to the colonies for life.

October 7th 1752

This is to give notice that the bullock and chap fair which used to be held annually in Halesworth, Suffolk, on the 18th and 19th of October will be held annually at Halesworth on the 30th and 31st. (does anyone know about a chap fair, perhaps chapman?)

October 21st 1752

Notice is hereby given that the Hoop Fair, usually held at Brandon, Suffolk, on the 6th of November will be kept for the time to come on account of a alteration of the stile. (again can anyone enlighten us of the Hoop Fair and Stile, perhaps hops)

October 28th 1752

Letter to the Publishers---
a report has been spread in the neighbourhood of a man making a discovery of a green silk net being taken in the night from some who were or pretended to be servants of Sir Cordell Firebrace of Long Melford and this report (though not intended to reflect on the servants of the above gentleman as encouraging poaching by his servants, but if done it is without his knowledge) having been misrepresented of the same gentleman but that such reports had been wholly occasioned by a net being taken away from some poachers (from Cavendish in Suffolk) one of whom has the nickname of Sir Cordell amongst the vulgar).

I am your humble servant,

November 11th 1752

Notice is hereby given that the Fair yearly kept on Pauls Green at Belchamp St Pauls, Essex, commonly called Could Fair will be kept on the 13th of November as before the alteration of the stile.

December 1752.

Wanted at Clare, Suffolk, a governor and governess for the workhouse and who understands the making of yarns for the Bocking trade. Such persons who have no family and can be well recommended will be well received upon applying to the church wardens or the overseers.

Decenber 16th 1752

To be sold and entered immediately, a copyhold farm consisting of 38 acres of rich land late in occupation of Jeremiah Gooday of Glemsford, Suffolk. Enquire of Edmund Plume at Glemsford.

1753 Ipswich Journal newspaper archive

January 20th 1753

Strayed or stolen on Monday night the 8th of January, out of the pastures belonging to Nathaniel Mayhew at Fersfield near Diss, a dark brown gelding-8 or 9 years old-14 hands-standing mane-short tail -white on face, supposed to have been stolen by a man in a sailors habit. 
Whoever gives information to Mrs Hawes of Denham, near Hoxne, Suffolk, or to Mr Gorbell in Oakley, Suffolk or to Nathaniel Mayhew shall receive a handsome reward.

February 3rd 1753

Last year will cut a remarkable in the British era by the alterations of the calendar from the Julian to the Gregorian stile.

February 10th 1753

On Monday, Mary Green and Martha Chambers of Cotton, Suffolk were committed to Ipswich gaol for breaking into the shop of John Turner, grocer of the same town. Mary Green was safely delivered of a boy the day after commitment.

February 10th 1753

Broke out of Saffron Walden gaol, George Kemp who was committed for horse stealing-aged 23 years-pitted with small pox-born at Chevington near St Edmunds Bury, Suffolk. Whoever etc, shall receive a reward of 5 guineas.

March 14th 1753

At the last Assizes held at Chelmsford, Essex, came to be tried before Mr Justice Clive, a cause brought by the Order of Noblemen and Gentlemen's Association for the preservation of game, came one Henry Wiseman, farmer and shopkeeper of Ramsden Crays, Essex, for keeping a net for the destruction of game and for having a brace of hares in his possession.
It appears that for several years defendant had employed many poor people to go out and furnish him with game and he provided them with all sorts of engines for destroying game and was distinguished by the name of King of the Poachers.
Verdict against defendant with penalties, for keeping a net £5, and being in possession of two hares £5 on each.

April 21st 1753

We are informed that one Martin, an ash gatherer, died at Sweffling near Wickham Market last Monday and it has been the general report that his death was caused by wounds and bruises he received a few days before from a gentleman of a large estate in the neighbourhood. We have just heard that the Coroner's Inquest has brought in a verdict of Chance Medley.

April 28th 1753

Edinburgh---A proclamation has lately been published in this city discharging the inhabitants from throwing dirty water or nastiness from their windows, prosecutions have already been brought against a great number of inhabitants for transgressing thereof.

May 8th 1753

To be sold at Walsham in the Willows in Suffolk, a new post windmill with two pairs of stones, a boulting mill and goging skreen, all entirely new, now in occupation of Thomas Butcher.

May 8th 1753

To be sold very cheap at Clare, Suffolk, a compleat extra strong stillyard for weighing loaded wagons or any heavy goods, it was quite new a few years ago and not used much. Apply Mr Ford of the Half Moon, Clare.

May 8th 1753

For a few years past there has been an unlawful fair held in the parish of Somersham, Suffolk, which has been the occasion for great riots and disorders
This is to give notice that the should anyone in future offer to keep such an unlawful fair in that parish they will be prosecuted to the utmost severity.

June 16th 1753

By order of the Mayor of Sudbury in Suffolk, this is to give notice that the Fair commonly called the Croft Fair, which by alteration of the stile used to be held on the 29th of June upon the Croft near St Gregory's church, will now be kept on that place on the 10th of July.

August 18th 1753

John Watling received the death sentence at Bury Assizes for beraking into the dwelling house of Mr Matt at Carleton, John Woods for robbing Mr Ferguson at Woodbridge, William Mann for stealing 34 sheep from Mr Mast and Mr Crane, John Kent for breaking into the house of Mr Fraci of Kessingland. Watling and Woods to be executed but Mann and Kent reprieved.

August 18th 1753

John Sheppard and John Jenkinson were indicted for the murder of one Martin, an ash gatherer at Sweffling, the grand jury found the bill but the defendants did not appear to take their trials.

September 8th 1753

Warling the highwayman that robbed Mr Ferguson was executed on Friday.

September 8th 1753

John Cunningham the elder of Wingfield in Suffolk was committed to Ipswich gaol charged with carrying a firearm and running uncustom'd goods at Benacre in 1742.

October 6th 1753

Whereas a decoy pond is making upon the premises called Bixly Farm at Rushmere near Ipswich, Suffolk, in occupation of John Bumsted, this is desire all persons not to shoot near the said pond so as not to disturb or annoy the fowl in anyway, 
your humble servants Robert Thompson and Thomas Manning.

October 27th 1753

At the beginning of the week there died the Rev Joseph Colman, rector of Hitcham, Suffolk, a living of about £500 a year in the gift of the crown.

October 27th 1753

At Suffolk Quarter Sessions, George Ruffles of Shimpling, Suffolk was convicted before Sir Cordell Firebrace in penalty of £100 for buying and distributing cattle without a certificate, also Alexander Cook of Elmswell. £50 and Robert Sherman of Melton, £10.

November 10th 1753

Run away from his master, Robert Alderton, carpenter of Bradfield Manger, Suffolk, a lad of about 18 years but small-scar on right cheek-own dark coloured hair-his name is Robert Wese, whoever harbours him etc shall be prosecuted or if brings him to his master shall receive ½ a guinea.

November 17th 1753

The Charter Club at Colchester return their thanks to their member for his conduct in Parliament as to oppose a bill for naturlizing Jews which they looked upon as a race swarmed from a set of exiles and earnestly request him to use his endeavours to procure the repeal of the Act.

November 17th 1753

Cocking at the Angel, Hadleigh, Suffolk, on the 4th of December. A silver pint mug valued at £4 to be fought for by 11 cocks, all will be set down together and the last fighting cock will be entitled to the prize, the owner of each cock to pay 6s, no cock to exceed 5lb 8oz, dinner at one o' clock.

November 17th 1753

At Sudbury, a large quantity of linen consisting of table cloths, shirts, shifts and capes were stolen from the rinsing tub in the yard of John Burkitt in the night. 
3 guineas reward for anyone giving information to discover the offender.

December 8th 1753

On Tuesday night a large ship supposed to be a collier, struck on Scroby Sands off Yarmouth, 
The weather was so bad no assistance could be given by boats, the men were seen hanging upon the yards and rigging for several hours but by the violence of the sea they were drove off and drowned.

December 22nd 1753

On Monday one Mr Powell who lives in St James street, London, a dealer in horses, was found dead by Stump Cross near Chesterford in Essex
He is supposed to have been very much in liquor and to have fallen off his horse and had been dragged with his foot in the stirrup to the place where he was found where there was taken out of his pocket upwards of £100 and a watch.

December 22nd 1753

A main of cocks will be fought at the Vine in Nayland on New Years day new stile between the gentlemen of Ballendon, Essex and the gentlemen of Buers St Mary, Suffolk.

December 29th 1753

Manchester, December 13th. The frost being so severe last week insomuch that all the rivers here and about were frozen over, last Friday, a number of men and boys numbering about 30 were sliding on a mill dam between Wigan and Chorley when the ice suddenly gave way and every person perished, five or six women intending to give assistance also perished in the attempt.

1754 Ipswich Journal newspaper archive

Copies missing until March 30th

March 30th 1754

This is to acquaint ladies that Thomas Baker, lace maker of Foxearth near Sudbury in Suffolk has imported a large quantity of new fashioned foreign lace and edgings of all sorts and prices and lappit heads from 6 to 50 guineas a pair.
He has a great choice of bath brussels and other English lace for gentlemen and ladies, wove ruffles, very cheap, workmen's handkerchiefs, aprons, muslim and lawn fine threads. 
He is at the lace chambers at the Angel in Norwich and all the towns in Norfolk, Suffolk and Essex three or four times a year, he has a greater choice than anyone who travels England, he carries no old fashioned lace.

April 6th 1754

At Bury Assizes, James Beckett for stealing a horse from John Tovel of Walpole, 
William Webber for breaking into the house of Roger Lee at Polsted, 
John English for rape upon the body of Mary Woolard at Barking, 
Robert Burt for horse stealing received the death sentence. English and Burt reprieved. To be transported for 14 years-
John Kent-William Mann-for 7 years 
James Douglas for stealing a silver spoon at Sudbury. 
Acquited were William Clayden and Robert Rushworth charged with breaking into a house in Haverhill. 
John Sheppard Esq. and Mr Jenkinson who were charged with the murder of one Martin, the ash gatherer, were honourably acquitted, the jury giving favour without going out of the court.

April 13th 1754

Essex-Gestingthorp, March 30th 1754 

Whereas for some time it has infamously and falsely reported by Hannah Clarke, then of this parish, ( by her being inticed and tutor'd by a person to screen himself from shame) that I, Francis Butcher, from before 25th of March 1753 had carnal knowledge of her body several times and places so as to beget her of child.
Notwithstanding the said Hannah Clarke is a wretch and quite a natural as to know good from evil or the concern of the prejudice she was doing me, there are many people and some that are creditable that do credit to the truth. 
I take this opportunity to contradict the said Hannah Clarke, her tutors, her believers and asserters with the following sentiments. 
To which God is my witness to the truth. 
I Francis Butcher never had any carnal knowledge of the body of the said Hannah Clarke, either by words or actions nor never had intentions, so help me God. 

Witness by my hand Francis Butcher.

May 25th 1754

Glasgow-May 30th ---
Lately died at Dillievard in the parish of Fordon aged 105, he was twice married, the last time at the age of upwards of 80 to a woman to whom he had long retained an affection and by whom he had 10 children, the youngest he begot at the age of 100.

June 15th 1754

Great complaints have been made of enormous frauds committed of late years by woolwinders concerned in lapping of wool in such ways as putting the fleece of lambs wool, cot gare, dag locks, tail locks, pitch brands, dirt, etc, to the injury of the trade and credit and contrary to justice and several laws against such practices. 
No fallen wool that is clip't from dead sheep will be allowed and offenders if found out will be severely prosecuted.

July 20th 1754

Notice to all gentlemen cockers---
On Monday 29th of July will be a silver cup for the value of 3 guineas at the Swan Inn at Sible Hedingham, the winning cock to have the cup or 2 ½ guineas, second best to have 3 half crowns, third to have his stakes. 
To be fought in silver spurs.

July 27th 1754

Whereas Thomas Cocks of Stowupland has for some years opened up a passage through his meadow for sheep and lambs (to avoid water at Stow Pool) to come to the Ipswich Lamb Fair and has taken a toll for doing so, now this is to certify that all dealers in lambs and sheep shall this year come through the meadow free of charge by which means the sheep come into the great road and avoid the bad ways and may return the same way. 
Thomas Aycliffe.

August 3rd 1754

Walton Suffolk July 29th. 
We had here yesterday evening between 6 and 7 such a violent storm of hail, rain and wind, with lightning as never known in living memory of man, hailstones as big as pigeon eggs in various shapes, it has done considerable damage to corn fields with wheat stalks broke in half and almost having beat out with barley ears lying as if cut off with a sickle, turnips were all washed away so must be sown again and glass in windows was broken.

August 17th 1754

At Bury Assizes ---
William Scott received the death sentence for forging two notes of hand and defrauding Mr Almond of Ipswich of £20. 
To be transported for 14 years John English for rape-
James Beckett and Robert Burnt for horse stealing. Transported for 7 years-
John Candeler for breaking into the house of George Gooch at Stanningfield-
Richard Mayse for stealing two shirts fro Thomas Eastoe of Hinderclay-
Nathan Root for stealing a garden hough from Robert Bigsby of Felsham. 

Acquitted were Ann Lefley who was charged with the murder of her bastard child.

September 21st 1754

Last Friday at about 3 in the afternoon, the house of the Widow Carden of Springfield, Essex was broken open while she was gleaning in the fields and robb'd of everthing of value, the very sheets were taken of her bed
The next day the house of Thomas Rolfe in the same parish was broken open at about 2 o' clock in the afternoon and robbed of £3 and goods to the value of £18-£20.

November 16th 1754

Stolen or strayed from the grounds of Stephen Barton at Cavendish in Suffolk, twenty ewe sheep and two lambs without marks, one of the sheep is black and with one eye. Whoever gives account etc, that may be recovered shall receive one guinea.

November 16th 1754

Notice is hereby given that the colt fair at Belchamp St Pauls, Essex. will be kept thereon on the 20th day of November.

December 14th 1754

This week, John Moyes, otherwise Pearson was committed to Ipswich gaol for breaking into the house of John Gorbold of Covehithe (to who he was lately a servant) and while the family were absent, stole 10 Portugal pieces of 36s each and one guinea and five shillings.

 John Brand otherwise Bird was committed to Beccles gaol for stealing a mare from R. Holland of Spexhall was removed to Ipswich gaol.